2023-2024 McMurry University Catalog 
    Mar 31, 2025  
2023-2024 McMurry University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Texas Common Course Numbering System/ McMurry Equivalent

ACCT 2301 Principles of Accounting I - Financial ACCT 2310 Financial Accounting
ARTS 1301 Art Appreciation ARTS 1300 Exploring the Visual Arts
ARTS 1303 Art History I ARTS 2301 Art History I
ARTS 1304 Art History II ARTS 2302 Art History II
ARTS 1311 Design I (2-Dimensional) ARTS 1310 Elements of Design I
ARTS 1312 Design II (3-Dimensional) ARTS 2321 Three-Dimensional Design
ARTS 1316 Drawing I ARTS 2300 Fundamentals of Drawing
ARTS 1317 Drawing II ARTS 2304 Creative Drawing
ARTS 2316 Painting I ARTS 2310 Painting I
ARTS 2317 Painting II ARTS 3321 Painting II; Still Life Painting
ARTS 2323 Life Drawing ARTS 3310 Life Drawing I
ARTS 2341 Metals ARTS 3391 Jewelry Design
ARTS 2346 Ceramics I ARTS 1313 Basic Pottery
ARTS 2347 Ceramics II ARTS 2314 Techniques in Handbuilding (Ceramics II)
ARTS 2348 Digital Media MMAP 2310 Introduction to Multimedia Applications
ARTS 2356 Photography I (Fine Arts emphasis) ARTS 2330 Beginning Digital Photography
ARTS 2357 Photography II (Fine Arts emphasis) ARTS 3325 Darkroom Photography
ARTS 2366 Watercolor ARTS 3345 Illustration II (Package Design)
ASTR 1303 Stars and Galaxies (lecture) PHYS 1401 Introduction to Astronomy
ASTR 1103 Stars and Galaxies (lab)
ASTR 1304 Solar System (lecture) PHYS 1401 Introduction to Astronomy
ASTR 1104 Solar System (lab)
ASTR 1403 Stars and Galaxies (lecture + lab) PHYS 1401 Introduction to Astronomy
ASTR 1404 Solar System (lecture + lab) PHYS 1401 Introduction to Astronomy
BCIS 1305 Business Computer Applications COSC 1315 Computer Fluency
BIOL 1106 Biology for Science Majors Lab I BIOL 1106 General Biology I Lab
BIOL 1107 Biology for Science Majors Lab II BIOL 1107 General Biology II Lab
BIOL 1306 Biology for Science Majors I BIOL 1306 General Biology I
BIOL 1307 Biology for Science Majors II BIOL 1307 General Biology II
BIOL 1308 Biology for Non-Science Majors I (lecture) BIOL 1401 Principles of Biology
BIOL 1108 Biology for Non-Science Majors I (lab)
BIOL 1309 Biology for Non-Science Majors II (lecture) BIOL 1401 Principles of Biology
BIOL 1109 Biology for Non-Science Majors II (lab)
BIOL 1406 Biology for Science Majors I (lecture + lab) BIOL 1306 General Biology I
BIOL 1106 General Biology I Lab
BIOL 1407 Biology for Science Majors II (lecture + lab) BIOL 1307 General Biology II
BIOL 1107 General Biology II Lab
BIOL 1408 Biology for Non-Science Majors I (lecture + lab) BIOL 1401 Principles of Biology
BIOL 1409 Biology for Non-Science Majors II (lecture + lab) BIOL 1401 Principles of Biology
BIOL 2301 Anatomy & Physiology I (lecture) BIOL 2401 Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 2101 Anatomy & Physiology I (lab)
BIOL 2302 Anatomy & Physiology II (lecture) BIOL 2402 Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 2102 Anatomy & Physiology II (lab)
BIOL 2306 Environmental Biology GEOS 1405 Environmental Geology
BIOL 2316 Genetics (lecture) BIOL 3460 Genetics
BIOL 2116 Genetics (lab)
BIOL 2320 Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (lecture) BIOL 3403 Foundations of Microbiology
BIOL 2120 Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (lab)
BIOL 2321 Microbiology for Science Majors (lecture) BIMS 3410 Microbiology
BIOL 2121 Microbiology for Scienc Majors (lab)
BIOL 2401 Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 2401 Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 2402 Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 2402 Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 2406 Environmental Biology GEOS 1405 Environmental Geology
BIOL 2416 Genetics (lecture + lab) BIOL 3460 Genetics
BIOL 2420 Microbiology for Non-Science Majors (lecture + lab) BIOL 3403 Foundations of Microbiology
BIOL 2421 Microbiology for Science Majors (lecture + lab) BIMS 3410 Microbiology
BUSI 1301 Business Principles BUSI 1310 Contemporary Business
CHEM 1305 Introductory Chemistry I (lecture) CHEM 1400 Chemistry in Society
CHEM 1105 Introductory Chemistry I (lab)
CHEM 1306 Introductory Chemistry I (lecture, allied health emphasis) CHEM 1407 Chemical Basics for Allied Health
CHEM 1106 Introductory Chemistry I (lab, allied health emphasis)
CHEM 1309 General Chemistry for Engineering Majors (lecture) CHEM 1410 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1109 General Chemistry for Engineering Majors (lab)
CHEM 1311 General Chemistry I (lecture) CHEM 1410 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1111 General Chemistry I (lab)
CHEM 1312 General Chemistry II (lecture) CHEM 1420 General Chemistry II
CHEM 1112 General Chemistry II (lab)
CHEM 1405 Introductory Chemistry I CHEM 1400 Chemistry in Society
CHEM 1406 Introductory Chemistry I (Primarily Allied Health Science) CHEM 1407  Chemical Basics for Allied Health
CHEM 1411 General Chemistry I CHEM 1410 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1412 General Chemistry II CHEM 1420 General Chemistry II
CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry I (lecture) CHEM 3410 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2123 Organic Chemistry I (lab)
CHEM 2325 Organic Chemistry II (lecture) CHEM 3420 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 2125 Organic Chemistry II (lab)
CHEM 2423 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 3410 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2425 Organic Chemistry II CHEM 3420 Organic Chemistry II
COSC 1301 Introduction to Computing (3 SCH version) COSC 1322 Intro to Computer Science and Info Technology
COSC 1315 Introduction to Computer Programming COSC 1306 Programming for Non-Majors
COSC 1320 C Programming (3 SCH version) COSC 1325 Programming Fundamentals
COSC 1336 Programming Fundamentals (3 SCH version) COSC 1325 Programming Fundamentals
COSC 1337 Programming Fundamentals II (3 SCH version) COIS 2350 Applications Programming
COSC 1420 C Programming (4 SCH version) COSC 1325 Programming Fundamentals
COSC 1436 Programming Fundamentals (4 SCH version) COSC 1325 Programming Fundamentals
COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals II (4 SCH version) COIS 2350 Applications Programming
COSC 2325 Computer Organization COSC 2370 Assembly Langauge and Computer Organization
COSC 2336 Programming Fundamentals III (3 SCH version) COSC 3360 Data Structures
COSC 2425 Computer Organization (4 SCH version) COSC 2370 Assembly Language and Computer Organization
COSC 2436 Programming Fundamentals III (4 SCH version) COSC 3360 Data Structures
DRAM 1310 Introduction to Theater THRE 1300 Introduction to Theatre
DRAM 1330 Stagecraft I THRE 2340 Stagecraft
DRAM 1341 Stage Makeup THRE 2250 Make-up
DRAM 1342 Costume Technology THRE 2350 Costume Construction
DRAM 1351 Acting I THRE 2330 Acting I
DRAM 2120 Theater Practicum III THRE 2110 Production I
DRAM 2336 Voice for the Actor THRE 2320 Improving Voice & Diction
ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2310 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2320 Principles of Microeconomics
EDUC 1301 Introduction to the Teaching Profession CURR 2110 Introduction to Education
ENGL 1301 Composition I ENGL 1310 Composition & Rhetoric
ENGL 1302 Composition II ENGL 1320 Composition & Literature
ENGL 2307 Creative Writing ENGL 4371 Poetry Workshop
ENGL 2311 Technical and Business Writing (1 semester course) ENGL 3385 Professional and Technical Writing
ENGL 2321 British Literature (1 semester course) ENGL 231E Masterpieces of British Literature
ENGL 2322 British Literature I (1st sem; 2 sem seq) ENGL 231E Masterpieces of British Literature
ENGL 2323 British Literature II (2nd sem; 2 sem seq) ENGL 231E Masterpieces of British Literature
ENGL 2326 American Literature (1 semester course) ENGL 231F Masterpieces of American Literature
ENGL 2327 American Literature I (1st sem; 2 sem seq) ENGL 231F Masterpieces of American Literature
ENGL 2328 American Literature II (2nd sem; 2 sem seq) ENGL 231F Masterpieces of American Literature
ENGL 2331 World Literature (1 semester course) ENGL 231G Masterpieces of World Literature
ENGL 2332 World Literature I (1st sem; 2 sem seq) ENGL 231G Masterpieces of World Literature
ENGL 2333 World Literature II (2nd sem; 2 sem seq) ENGL 231G Masterpieces of World Literature
ENGL 2341 Forms of Literature (1 semester course) ENGL 1320 Composition and Literature
ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering (single-semester course) PHYS 1200 Introduction to Engineering
ENGR 1304 Engineering Graphics (3 SCH version) PHYS 2315 Computer-Aided Design
ENGR 2305 Electrical Circuits I PHYS 3350 Electronics
ENGR 2105 Electrical Circuits I Laboratory
ENGR 2306 Introduction to Digital Systems PHYS 3352 Digital Electronics
ENGR 2106 Introduction to Digital Systems Laboratory
ENGR 2332 Mechanics of Material (3 SCH version) PHYS 3335 Mechanics of Material
ENGR 2401 Engineering Mechanics - Statics (4 SCH version) PHYS 3315 Engineering Statics
ENGR 2402 Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics (4 SCH version) PHYS 3325 Engineering Dynamics
ENGR 2405 Electrical Circuits I (lecture + lab) PHYS 3350 Electronics
ENGR 2406 Introduction to Digital Systems (lecture + lab) PHYS 3352 Digital Electronics
ENVR 1301 Environmental Science I (lecture) GEOS 1405 Environmental Geology
ENVR 1101 Environmental Science I (lab)
ENVR 1302 Environmental Science II (lecture) GEOS 1405 Environmental Geology
ENVR 1102 Environmental Science II (lab)
ENVR 1401 Environmental Science I (lecture + lab) GEOS 1405 Environmental Geology
ENVR 1402 Environmental Science II (lecture + lab)      
FREN 1411 Beginning French I FREN 1410 Elementary French I
FREN 1412 Beginning French II FREN 1420 Elementary French II
FREN 2311 Intermediate French I FREN 2310 Intermediate French I
FREN 2312 Intermediate French II FREN 2320 Intermediate French II
GEOG 1302 Human Geography POSC 3310 Political and Cultural Geography
GEOG 1303 World Regional Geography POSC 3310 Political and Cultural Geography
GEOL 1305 Environmental Science (lecture) GEOS 1405 Environmental Geology
GEOL 1105 Environmental Science (lab)
GEOL 1405 Environmental Geology GEOS 1405 Environmental Geology
GERM 1411 Beginning German I GERM 1410 Elementary German I
GERM 1412 Beginning German II GERM 1420 Elementary German II
GERM 2311 Intermediate German I GERM 2310 Intermediate German I
GERM 2312 Intermediate German II GERM 2320 Intermediate German II
GOVT 2305 Federal Government (Federal Const & Topics) POSC 2310 American National Government
GOVT 2306 Texas Government (Texas Const & Topics) POSC 2320 Texas Politics: Rural v Urban
HIST 1301 United States History I HIST 2310 United States to 1877
HIST 1302 United States History II HIST 2320 United States since 1865
HIST 2321 World Civilizations I HIST 1310 World Civilization to 1500
HIST 2322 World Civilizations II HIST 1320 World Civilization since 1500
KINE 1164 Introduction to Physical Fitness & Wellness HFIT 1200 Wellness for Living Modified
KINE 1304 Personal/Community Health KINE 3331 Personal and Community Health
KINE 1306 First Aid (3 SCH version) KINE 3360 Responding to Emergencies
KINE 1321 Coaching/Sports/Athletics KINE 2211 Coaching and Officiating Football
    OR KINE 2212 Coaching and Officiating Basketball
    OR KINE 2213 Coaching and Officiating Volleyball
    OR KINE 2214 Coaching and Officiating Track and Field
KINE 1331 Physical Education for Elementary Education KINE 3340 Instructional Strategies for Elementary School Physical Education
KINE 1338 Concepts of Physical Fitness HFIT 1210 Wellness for Living
KINE 1346 Drug Use and Abuse KINE 3331 Personal and Community Health
KINE 2356 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries KINE 2335 Accident Prevention & Care of Injuries
MATH 1314 College Algebra MATH 1311 College Algebra
MATH 1316 Plane Trigonometry MATH 1320 Trigonometry
MATH 1324 Math for Business and Social Sciences MATH 1315 Contemporary Math
MATH 1325 Calculus for Business and Social Sciences MATH 1311 College Algebra
MATH 1332 Contemporary Mathematics  MATH 1315 Contemporary Math
MATH 1342 Elementary Statistical Methods MATH 1315 Contemporary Math
MATH 1350 Mathematics for Teachers I MATH 1315 Contemporary Math
MATH 1351 Mathematics for Teachers II MATH 1315 Contemporary Math
MATH 1414 College Algebra MATH 1311 College Algebra
MATH 1442 Elementary Statistical Methods MATH 1315 Contemporary Math
MATH 2305 Discrete Mathematics (3 SCH version) MATH 2315 Discrete Mathematics
MATH 2312 Pre-Calculus Math (3 SCH version) MATH 1320 Pre-Calculus
MATH 2313 Calculus I (3 SCH version) MATH 2421 Calculus I
MATH 2314 Calculus II (3 SCH version) MATH 2322 Calculus II
MATH 2315 Calculus III (3 SCH version) MATH 3301 Multivariable Calculus
MATH 2318 Linear Algebra (3 SCH version) MATH 2340 Linear Algebra
MATH 2320 Differential Equations (3 SCH version) MATH 3341 Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 2412 Pre-Calculus Math (4 SCH version) MATH 1320 Pre-Calculus
MATH 2413 Calculus I (4 SCH version) MATH 2421 Calculus I
MATH 2414 Calculus II (4 SCH version) MATH 2322 Calculus II
MATH 2415 Calculus III (4 SCH version) MATH 3301 Multivariable Calculus
MATH 2418 Linear Algebra (4 SCH version) MATH 2340 Linear Algebra
MATH 2420 Differential Equations (4 SCH version) MATH 3341 Ordinary Differential Equations
MUSI 1116 Elementary Sight Singing & Ear Training I MUTH 1130 Aural Skills I
MUSI 1117 Elementary Sight Singing & Ear Training II MUTH 1140 Aural Skills II
MUSI 1160 Italian Diction MUED 3291 Singer’s Diction I
MUSI 1161 International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) MUED 3291 Singer’s Diction I
MUSI 1181 Piano Class I MUAP 1113 Class Piano
MUSI 1182 Piano Class II MUAP 1114 Class Piano
MUSI 1188 Percussion Class MUED 3118 Percussion Techniques and Methods (dependent on placement exam)
MUSI 1306 Music Appreciation MULH 2301 Music Appreciation
MUSI 1307 Music Literature (single-semester course) MULH 2380 Introduction to Music History
MUSI 1311 Music Theory I MULH 1330 Theory I
MUSI 1312 Music Theory II MULH 1340 Theory II
MUSI 2116 Sight Singing & Ear Training III (1 SCH version) MUTH 3130 Aural Skills III (dependent on placement exam)
MUSI 2117 Sight Singing & Ear Training (1 SCH version) MUTH 3140 Aural Skills IV (dependent on placement exam)
MUSI 2160 German Diction MUED 3292 Singer’s Diction II (dependent on placement exam)
MUSI 2161 French Diction MUED 3292 Singer’s Diction II (dependent on placement exam)
MUSI 2181 Piano Class III MUAP 1115 Class Piano III
MUSI 2182 Piano Class IV MUAP 1116 Class Piano IV
MUSI 2311 Music Theory III (3 SCH version) MUTH 3330 Theory III (dependent on placement exam)
MUSI 2312 Music Theory IV (3 SCH version) MUTH 3340 Theory IV (dependent on placement exam)
PHED 1164 Introduction to Physical Fitness & Wellness HFIT 1200 Wellness for Living Modified
PHED 1301 Foundations of Kinesiology KINE 2330 Explorations in Exercise and Sports Leadership
PHED 1304 Personal/Community Health  KINE 3331 Personal and Community Health
PHED 1306 First Aid (3 SCH version) KINE 3360 Responding to Emergencies
PHED 1321 Coaching/Sports/Athletics KINE 2211 Coaching and Officiating Football
    OR KINE 2212 Coaching and Officiating Basketball
    OR KINE 2213 Coaching and Officiating Volleyball
    OR KINE 2214 Coaching and Officiating Track and Field
PHED 1338 Concepts of Physical Fitness HFIT 1210 Wellness for Living
PHED 1346 Drug Use and Abuse KINE 3331 Personal and Community Health
PHED 2356 Care & Prevention of Athletic Injuries KINE 2335 Accident Prevention & Care of Injuries
PHIL 1301 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 2350 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1304 Introduction to World Religions RELI 2350 World Religions
PHIL 2306 Introduction to Ethics SRLD 1300 Introduction to Ethics
PHIL 2307 Introduction to Social & Politial Philosophy PHIL 3340 Great Books in Political Philosophy
PHYS 1301 College Physics I (lecture) PHYS 1410 General Physics I
PHYS 1101 College Physics I (lab)
PHYS 1302 College Physics II (lecture) PHYS 1420 General Physics II
PHYS 1102 College Physics II (lab
PHYS 1303 Stars and Galaxies (lecture) PHYS 1401 Introduction to Astronomy
PHYS 1103 Stars and Galaxies (lab)
PHYS 1304 Solar System (lecture) PHYS 1401 Introduction to Astronomy
PHYS 1104 Solar System (lab)
PHYS 1305 Elementary Physics I (lecture) PHYS 1400 Introduction to Physics
PHYS 1105 Elementary Physics I (lab)
PHYS 1307 Elementary Physics II (lecture) PHYS 1400 Introduction to Physics
PHYS 1107 Elementary Physics II (lab)
PHYS 1310 Elementary Physics (singe-semester course, lecture) PHYS 1400 Introduction to Physics
PHYS 1110 Elementary Physics (single-semester, lab)
PHYS 1315 Physical Science I (lecture) PHYS 1400 Introduction to Physics
PHYS 1115 Physical Science I (lab)
PHYS 1317 Physical Science II (lecture) PHYS 1400 Introduction to Physics
PHYS 1117 Physical Science II (lab)
PHYS 1401 College Physics I PHYS 1410 General Physics I
PHYS 1402 College Physics II PHYS 1420 General Physics II
PHYS 1403 Stars and Galaxies (lecture + lab) PHYS 1401 Introduction to Astronomy
PHYS 1404 Solar System (lecture + lab) PHYS 1401 Introduction to Astronomy
PHYS 1405 Elementary Physics I (lecture + lab) PHYS 1400 Introduction to Physics
PHYS 1407 Elementary Physics II (lecture + lab) PHYS 1400 Introduction to Physics
PHYS 1410 Elementary Physics (1 semester course) PHYS 1400 Introduction to Physics
PHYS 1415 Physical Science I (lecture + lab) PHYS 1400 Introduction to Physics
PHYS 1417 Physical Science II (lecture + lab) PHYS 1400 Introduction to Physics
PHYS 2325 University Physics I (lecture) PHYS 2510 University Physics I
PHYS 2125 University Physics I (lab)
PHYS 2326 University Physics II (lecture) PHYS 2520 University Physics II
PHYS 2126 University Physics II (lab)
PHYS 2425 University Physics I (lecture + lab) PHYS 2510 University Physics I
PHYS 2426 University Physics II (lecture + lab) PHYS 2520 University Physics II
PSYC 2301 General Psychology PSYC 1340 General Psychology
PSYC 2314 Lifespan Growth & Development PSYC 2360 Developmental Psychology: The Human Life Cycle
PSYC 2316 Psychology of Personality PSYC 3320 Personality Psychology
PSYC 2319 Social Psychology PSYC 2370 Social Psychology
PSYC 2320 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 4300 Abnormal Psychology
SOCI 1301 Introductory Sociology SOCI 1310 Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 1306 Social Problems SOCI 2350 Social Problems
SOCI 2336 Criminology SOCI 2315 Criminology
SPAN 1411 Beginning Spanish I SPAN 1410 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 1412 Beginning Spanish II SPAN 1420 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 2311 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN 2310 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2312 Intermediate Spanish II SPAN 2320 Intermediate Spanish II
SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication COMM 1310 Principles of Communication
SPCH 1315 Public Speaking COMM 1310 Principles of Communication
SPCH 1321 Business & Professional Communication COMM 2330 Business & Professional Communication
SPCH 2335 Argumentation & Debate COMM 2350 Argumentation & Advocacy
TECA 1354 Child Growth and Development ECED 3300 Theory and Practice in Childhood Education (ages 3 to 8)