2022-2023 McMurry University Catalog 
    Mar 28, 2025  
2022-2023 McMurry University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Assistance

McMurry does not admit students on the basis of their ability to pay. Rather, it searches for the most qualified and accomplished students it can find. After admission, the University Financial Aid Office works with students and parents to make a McMurry education possible. This assistance comes from a variety of sources, including federal, state, private, and institutional (provided by McMurry University). General regulations for participation in any of these forms of financial assistance are as follows:

  1. Students must be enrolled half time to be eligible to process loans. Half-time enrollment means a minimum course load of 6 credit hours per semester. In some instances a student may qualify for a Pell Grant with less than half-time enrollment.
  2. Institutional scholarships require full-time enrollment (unless specified) of a minimum of 12 credit hours and is available only for the fall and spring semesters. Clinical teaching or students who do not have 12 credit hours remaining to complete their degree in their final semester will have their institutional scholarships pro-rated.
  3. At least a 2.0 grade point average is required for most scholarships.
  4. To receive financial aid, students must meet the minimum requirements for continued enrollment as listed in the catalog.
  5. All awards are made only upon proper application each academic year. If there is similar financial need and if funds are available, students may expect financial assistance to be renewed upon application, if they remain in good academic and personal standing throughout their four years at McMurry and complete the required financial aid applications by January 15 each year.
  6. Students may not receive Institutional Scholarships that are in excess of the amount charged for their tuition. If a student receives scholarship funds that cover full or partial tuition, the Institutional or state aid may be reduced or not awarded.
  7. Institutional scholarships may not be used for intercollegiate classes with the exception for students enrolled with the Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing.
  8. Students receiving scholarships must meet the stated minimum requirements for clear admission both in class rank and test scores.
  9. All aid is awarded on a funds available basis. To apply for financial aid, students and their parents should submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to the Federal Student Aid Program by January 15th. The FAFSA may be completed on line each year beginning October 1st at www.fafsa.ed.gov.
  10. A student is not eligible for financial aid after 12 full-time semesters.
  11. Institutional Funds that are restricted to tuition only will be based on the percentage of tuition refunded if a student withdraws. For example, if tuition refund is 75%, the student may keep 25% of the scholarship. Scholarships not restricted to tuition will be based on the percentage of the semester completed up to the 50% point of the semester. After the 50% point, the student may retain all of the scholarship.
  12. Students receiving McMurry institutional scholarships, awards or grants may only use these funds for tuition costs resulting from courses taken at McMurry. Exception to this policy are students enrolled from McMurry in the Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing. Students enrolled at Hardin-Simmons or Abilene Christian University under our Intercollegiate Enrollment program assume the total cost of tuition charges at that respective university, with institutional financial aid prorated for courses taken at McMurry if student falls below full-time.

Federal Grants

McMurry University participates in the Federal Grant Programs - The Federal Pell Grant is an entitlement program for students who show financial need. To apply for these grants the student must file the FAFSA.

State Grants

The Texas Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG) is a grant provided by the State of Texas to residents of Texas who show need and who are attending an approved independent college in Texas. This grant is to help equalize the tuition difference between state-supported schools and the independent colleges and universities of Texas. Students must  maintain a 2.5 GPA, complete 24 credit hours per year, and 75% completion of attempted hours for the year to continue to receive the TEG. To apply for this grant, complete the FAFSA or the TASFA (Texas Application for State Financial Aid) if federally ineligible.

Work Assistance

On-campus employment is provided by two sources. McMurry Work Program and the Federal College Work Study Program provide employment for students who show financial need in meeting expenses.

Loan Assistance (To Be Repaid)

McMurry participates in the William D. Ford Direct Loan Program, and certifies loans from other private lenders. Students and parents wishing to participate in federal loan programs must process a FAFSA to support eligibility.

McMurry University Academic Scholarship Programs

McMurry Honors Scholarship - Three full tuition scholarships are available to entering first-time freshmen who are either in the top 5% of their high school graduating class or have scored a minimum of 27 on the ACT or 1220 on the SAT (requires honors program application completed by February 1st). A separate application and personal interview are required. A faculty committee selects the recipients. The scholarship is renewable for 3 years with a minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA and a 3.25 GPA in Honors classes with McMurry. Contact the Head of the Honors Program for information. This scholarship can not be received concurrently with any other McMurry University Academic or institutional Scholarship. (Patty Hanks School of Nursing students are not eligible); (cannot be used for intercollegiate classes).

McMurry University no longer offers athletic scholarships to new freshman or transfer students due to Division III regulations.

Presidential Scholarship - First-time freshman, with at least a 3.75 HS GPA and an ACT of 27 or higher or SAT of 1280 or higher may be eligible for a merit scholarship up to $17,000. This scholarship is renewable for 3 years with a 2.75 cumulative GPA with McMurry. Students receiving this scholarship may not receive any other institutional scholarships in excess of the cost of tuition. Cannot be used for intercollegiate classes.

University Scholarship - First-time freshman, with at least a 3.50 HS GPA and an ACT of 25 or higher or SAT of 1200 or higher may be eligible for a merit scholarship up to $15,500. This scholarship is renewable for 3 years with a 2.0 cumulative GPA with McMurry. Students receiving this scholarship may not receive any other institutional scholarships in excess of the cost of tuition. Cannot be used for intercollegiate classes.

Deans Scholarship - First-time freshman, with at least a 3.25 HS GPA and an ACT of 23 or higher or SAT of 1130 or higher may be eligible for a merit scholarship up to $14,000. This scholarship is renewable for 3 years with  a 2.0 cumulative GPA with McMurry. Students receiving this scholarship may not receive any other institutional scholarships in excess of the cost of tuition. Cannot be used for intercollegiate classes.

Step Up Scholarship - First-time Freshmen, entering 2018 through 2020, must be awarded the Deans Scholarship. The Step Up scholarship provides a financial incentive for students to achieve academic success. Deans Scholarship recipients may receive an additional $1,500 after they complete at least 30 credit hours AND maintain at least a 2.50 GPA. Once these students complete at least 60 credit hours AND maintain at least a 2.50 GPA they will receive an additional $1,000. Students are reviewed for the Step Up Scholarship annually prior to the beginning of the Fall semester (students meeting the criteria in the middle of the year will receive the scholarship the following year).


Freshman Year Sophomore Year Junior Year Senior Year
  Completed 30 credits and at least 2.50 GPA Completed 60 credits and at least 2.50 GPA  
Deans Scholarship Step Up: $1,500
Total: $13,500
Step Up: $1,000
Total: $14,500

McMurry University Transfer Scholarships - The number of semesters a student may receive these scholarships is limited based on the number of full-time semesters previously attempted or total number of transfer hours. Transfer scholarships may be combined with a need based scholarship upon completion of the FAFSA.

  1. Phi Theta Kappa - A scholarship amount up to $15,000 per year is offered to incoming transfer students who are members of this organization. The number of semesters a student may receive this scholarship is limited based on the number of full-time semesters previously attempted or total number of transfer hours. Must maintain a 3.0 GPA with McMurry to continue to receive. Cannot be used for intercollegiate classes.
  2. Transfer I of up to $13,000 is awarded to entering transfer students with a 3.6 GPA and 24 transfer hours. Need 2.5 GPA with McMurry to continue. Cannot be used for intercollegiate classes.
  3. Transfer II of up to $12,000 is awarded to entering transfer students with a 3.0 GPA and 24 transfer hours. Need 2.0 GPA with McMurry to continue. Cannot be used for intercollegiate classes.
  4. Transfer III of up to $10,000 is awarded to entering transfer students with a 2.5 GPA and 24 transfer hours. Need 2.0 GPA with McMurry to continue. Cannot be used for intercollegiate classes.
  5. Transfer Award of up to $9,000 is awarded to entering transfer students with a 2.25 GPA and 24 transfer hours. Need 2.0 GPA with McMurry to continue. Cannot be used for intercollegiate classes.

McMurry University Abilene Military Dependent Scholarship - Any incoming student who is a dependent of full-time active-duty military personnel may be eligible to receive a 30% discount in the cost of tuition. This scholarship cannot be received concurrently with any merit aid. A 2.0 cumulative GPA with McMurry is required to continue the scholarship. Cannot be used for intercollegiate classes, or School of Nursing.

Special Military Rate For Active Duty Members Using Tuition Assistance (TA). In McMurry’s continued support and partnership with the Air Force, McMurry University is proud to offer a Special Military Rate for Active Duty Members Using Tuition Assistance (TA). Those who are eligible to receive TA will be charged the maximum amount allowed, currently $250/credit hour, for McMurry classes. Out of pocket expenses will be for books and supplies. Those under partial TA will be required to pay the balance after TA/GI Bill® funds have been exhausted. Special tuition rate does not apply for classes at the Patty Hanks School of Nursing or any Intercollegiate classes.

International Scholarship - Amount of scholarship varies. This scholarship can not be received concurrently with any other McMurry University academic scholarship. A student must remain in good standing to continue to receive this scholarship. This Scholarship cannot be used for intercollegiate classes or School of Nursing.

Lydia Patterson Scholarship - One award to a first-time freshman who is a graduate of the Lydia Patterson Institute in El Paso with a 2.75 high school GPA that scores 20 on the ACT or 1030 on the SAT, who has not yet  received a Bachelor’s degree, will receive a scholarship to cover full tuition. This scholarship cannot be received concurrently with any other McMurry University academic scholarship. A 2.0 Cumulative GPA is required to continue. Cannot be used for intercollegiate classes, or through the School of Nursing.

United Methodist Minister’s Dependent Scholarship - $1,500/year. Confirmation of parent being an Active Ordained United Methodist Minister. A 2.0 cumulative GPA is required to continue. Only 3 awards available. Cannot be used for intercollegiate classes, or through the School of Nursing.

Methodist Grant - Any student who is a documented member of the United Methodist Church and who shows financial need. Subject to availability of funds and completion on FAFSA. Applications available through the Financial Aid Office. Cannot be used for intercollegiate classes, or through the School of Nursing. Cannot be combined with Athletic Scholarship.

Departmental Honors Scholarships - Academic departments designate these scholarships to outstanding sophomore, junior and senior students.

McMurry reserves the right to make changes subject to availability of awards. Scholarships are available to undergraduates only. 

Family Business Center Scholarship - The Family Business Center Scholarship is available to a senior Business student who is the relative (son, daughter, grandson or granddaughter) of parents or grandparents who own a family business. The scholarship is awarded by the School of Business. For the scholarship application, contact the Dean of the School of Business.

Methodist Scholarships

United Methodist Scholarships are awarded to McMurry students through the United Methodist Scholarship Program. Students who have been active members of the United Methodist Church for at least one year may apply. Applications are available from the Office of Loans and Scholarships, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, The United Methodist Church, PO Box 871, Nashville, TN 37202-0871, or www.gbhem.org.

United Methodist Minority Scholarships are available from the Northwest Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church. Applicants should be members of a minority group and members of a United Methodist Church in the Northwest Texas or Rio Texas Annual Conference. Applications are available from the Northwest Texas Conference Office, PO Box 298, Lubbock, TX 79408.

McMurry University Activity Scholarships

Art - Scholarships are available to students who show promise in art talent through submission of a portfolio to the Art Department Faculty. Contact the Chairman of the Art Department for information. A 2.0 cumulative GPA is required to continue. Cannot be used for intercollegiate classes.

Band - Scholarships are provided to students who are members of the McMurry University Band through competitive auditions with the Music Department Faculty. Apply to the Director of Bands for audition information. A 2.0 cumulative GPA is required to continue. Cannot be used for intercollegiate classes.

Choir - Scholarships are provided to students who are members of one of the recognized choral groups at McMurry University through competitive audition with the Music Department Faculty. Apply to the Director of Choral Activities for audition information. A 2.0 cumulative GPA is required to continue. Cannot be used for intercollegiate classes.

Theatre - Assistantships are provided to students who participate in McMurry University theatre activities through competitive audition with the Theatre Department Faculty. Contact the Dean of Arts and Letters for audition information. A 2.0 cumulative GPA is required to continue. Cannot be used for intercollegiate classes.

The Financial Aid Office reserves the right to replace institutional grants and scholarships with other gift aid sources in the same amounts, in order to maximize limited resources. Please note that the total amount of gift aid awarded will not be reduced.

Financial Aid Statement of Satisfactory Progress

Student may be placed on financial aid probation or financial aid suspension if he/she fails to maintain satisfactory progress. The student will be informed by letter of the reason(s) for the status and the conditions that must be met for removal from financial aid probation/suspension. See Financial Aid Probation and Suspension section.

Institutional Policy

The Financial Aid Office evaluates student’s satisfactory progress at the end of each semester once grades are released. Students are evaluated based on a quantitative basis (students must complete (pass) at least 67% of hours attempted) and a qualitative basis (must maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average, GPA).In order to meet satisfactory academic progress towards a degree, students complete their degree within the maximum number or hours. For instance, in an undergraduate degree that takes 120 hours to complete, the student has up to 180 hours to complete the degree without losing financial aid if all other satisfactory progress criteria have been met. (150% of published length of the program.) See additional information on Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress at http://www.mcm.edu/newsite/web/financial_aid/progress.htm

Academic Standard

Students must meet the academic standard for continuing enrollment as published in the University catalog under Academic Probation and Suspension, including continuation based on appeal. A student placed on Academic Suspension is automatically placed on Financial Aid Suspension.

Financial Aid Probation And Suspension

Students who have not met satisfactory progress may be placed on probation the semester after progress was not met. If satisfactory progress is not achieved the semester after the probationary period a student will be placed on financial aid suspension.

Students who are suspended, lose eligibility for financial aid for the entire academic year, and will be considered for reinstatement of financial aid when they have met all requirements for satisfactory academic progress. Students may appeal financial aid suspension only once while enrolled at McMurry. The student must submit a formal written request for an appeal hearing to the Financial Aid Office within 15 calendar days of receiving notice of denial, withdrawal, or reduction of financial aid unless the appeal is included as part of a suspension appeal, in which case theprocedures of suspension appeals must be followed. A student’s need for financial aid or desire to continue attending McMurry University is not a valid reason for a financial aid appeal. Requests that do not contain a valid reason for an appeal will be dismissed with no action and the student will be notified that a valid request may still be submitted within the original 15-day window.

Vocational Rehabilitation

The Texas Rehabilitation Commission offers assistance for tuition and non-refundable fees to students who have certain disabling conditions provided their vocational objectives have been approved by a TRC Counselor. Examples of such conditions are orthopedic deformities, emotional disorders, diabetes, epilepsy, heart conditions, etc. Other services are also available to assist the handicapped student to become employable. Application for such service should be made at: Texas Rehabilitation Commission, Abilene District Office, 3104 South Clack, Abilene, TX 79606.

Schedule Of Charges For The 2022-2023 Academic Year

In considering the costs of attending college, total costs should be studied. An illustration of the costs for a student living on campus is as follows:

Direct Costs Paid To McMurry University:

  Semester Annual
Block Tuition (12 hours or more) 14,986.00 29,972.00
Student Activity Fee 45.00 90.00
Average Housing and Meals
(Freshmen) (15 meals per week)
4,446.00 8,892.00
Average books and supplies 600.00 1,200.00
Total Direct Costs 20,077.00 40,154.00

Indirect Living Costs For Student:

Estimated transportation expense 625.00 1,250.00
Estimated personal expenses 975.00 1,950.00
Total Costs: 21,677.00 43,354.00


Tuition is calculated based on enrollment on the Official Enrollment Day.

Block Tuition Rate

(Fall or Spring) 14,986.00
(Block Rate 12 or more hours)

Hourly Tuition Rate

(1-11 hours) 937.00

Nursing Program Charges/semester

Block Tuition (Will be assessed on all full time students) 14,986.00
Part Time assessed per semester hour 937.00
Nursing Graduate Student (MSN) per semester hour 937.00

Other Special Program Charges

Master of Accountancy (M.Acc.) per semester hour 1,000.00

Other Fees

Audit Courses (Non-Credit) (Per class) 50.00
Departmental Exams (Per Semester Hour) 20.00
Housing Application Fee 50.00
ACT Residual 40.00
Intercollegiate Fee 25.00
Official Transcript Fee 7.00
Online Class Fee per hour 15.00
McMurry Mail Box Rental (Off-Campus Student Only) 20.00
Music Fee Per Course: 1 Hour 130.00
2 Hour 180.00
Music Large Ensemble Fee (first large ensemble only) 100.00
Orientation Fee (First-time full-time student) 210.00
CLEP exam fee is subject to College Board Rate
Dual Credit Cost Per Course

3 Hour/4 Hour                                                                                                                                                        200.00/300.00

*Course Fees - Some course Fees may apply. See class schedule.

Student Activity Fee

Full Time: $45.00
Part Time : $3.00 / credit hour

Special Programs

Intercollegiate enrollment is possible through Hardin-Simmons and Abilene Christian University when a class is unavailable at McMurry University in a particular major. When this occurs, the student will be charged with any additional costs incurred, including a higher rate of tuition and any fees, at the other university. The block tuition rate at McMurry does not always cover intercollegiate and nursing enrollment costs.

Students from area high schools enrolling in dual credit courses, and residentonly students are considered registered in Special Programs at McMurry University. Registration in these programs generate costs that are due and payable in full by the first day of the semester of enrollment. These costs will be available before enrollment in either program. Payment may be taken or sent to the Student Accounts at McMurry, or payment by credit card or bank draft may be made through our online service. Upon enrollment, the student under 18 years of age is considered an adult under FERPA guidelines and collection steps and charging policies will be the same as the University’s traditional student.

Senior citizen programs begin at age 65 and allows the attendance, with no participation, of the class at no tuition cost or academic credit. After professor approval, registration is still required and any class fee will apply.

Abilene Supervisory Teacher vouchers can only be applied against tuition. If used in conjunction with other aid or benefit, the value of the voucher will be no more than the resulting balance.

Housing And Meals Regulation

  1. Students are required to live on campus unless they have either completed 60 hours, are 21, are married, or live within 30 miles of campus with a parent or legal guardian. Residence hall rooms are reserved by written agreement for the fall and spring semesters. A student requesting to live off campus must be approved by Assistant Director of Residence Life. An application must be submitted to the Student Affairs Office, located in Presidents Hall, South Entrance.
  2. An application/agreement for housing is sent to the student upon their acceptance to McMurry University. The completed Housing Application/ Agreement and deposit of $150.00 needs to be returned to the Admissions Office. Rooms are assigned on a first come-first serve basis and are based on availability.
  3. $100.00 of the housing deposit is returned to the student upon their final move out of the residence hall, provided the room is clean, there is no damage, complete checkout procedures are followed, and the deposit is requested in accordance with the terms of their lease.
  4. The room and board charge is maintained by a yearly contract and if required, the price of room and board is subject to change.

Housing Fees Per Semester

Gold Star Resident Hall

(Double Occupancy Fall, & Spring Semester) 1,836.00
Summer I 459.00
Summer II 459.00

President Residence Hall

(Double Occupancy Fall & Spring Semester) 1,510.00
Private Room (when available, additional $325)  

Martin & Hunt Residence Halls (Fall or Spring Semester)

Double Occupancy 2,186.00
Triple Occupancy (Hunt only) 1,974.00
Semi-private Room 2,502.00

Apartment Rent per Month:

2 Bedroom 483.00
3 Bedroom 426.00
4 Bedroom 385.00

Apartment contracts are binding from June 1 to May 31 and are charged out twice during the year, 7 months in fall, and 5 months in spring.
Fall = June through December
Spring = January through May

MEALS: Semester Charge (plus applicable state & local taxes)

Students residing in a residence hall are required to choose one of the following three meal plans.

Unlimited Meal Plan  
$2,409.00 + $50 munch money + 199.00 tax 2,658.00
18 meals per week:  
$2,161.00 + $100 munch money + 178.00 tax 2,439.00
15 meals per week:  
$1,903.00 + $200 munch money + 157.00 tax 2,260.00

Students living off campus or in McMurry apartments may choose any plan, including the following.

5 meals per week $680 + $100 munch money + $56 tax 836.00
40 meals per semester $370 + $200 munch money + $31 tax 601.00
80 meals per semester $710 + $125 munch money + $59 tax 894.00
Munch money minimum increments 50.00

If a student living off campus or in a campus apartment chooses to have a meal plan, financial aid, a full payment, or a TMS plan must cover the cost of the meal plan. The meal plan can only be added to the student’s account through the Student Accounts Office located in the Maedgen Administrative building. Students who live off campus or in a campus apartment must have the meal plan added to their student account each semester. All unused munch money is forfeited at the end of the Spring Semester.

Enrollment Deposit

The enrollment deposit is required prior to signing up for class registration and applying to live in McMurry residence halls. The deposit is $250.00 for domestic students living on campus and $150.00 for those living off-campus. For those living on-campus one hundred dollars of this deposit is refundable when the student moves out if he/she checks out properly with the room left in good condition and requests the refund in writing according to the terms of their lease. Apartment dwellers abide by the terms of their yearly contracts. The remaining $150, or total amount for commuter students, is an advance tuition deposit and will be applied against tuition charges after the census date of the semester.  Residence hall rooms are rented for the year. No refunds are made for withdrawal within a semester. Deposits are non-refundable after May 1 for Summer and Fall start terms.

Admissions Deposits

On-Campus Student

Room Deposit 100.00
Advanced Tuition/Fee Deposit 150.00

Off Campus Student

Advanced Tuition Deposit 150.00

International Student

Advanced Tuition 500.00

Payment Of Account

  1. When a student completes the registration process, the total amount of tuition, housing and meals is due and payable. All financial transactions will be in US currency and checks drawn on US banks.
  2. If the student’s total net bill cannot be paid upon completion of the registration process, enrollment with Tuition Management System (TMS) is required in order to make monthly payments. The summer sessions require one-half payment by the first class day with the remaining balance to be paid within the following four weeks. May term is due in full by the first class day.
  3. McMurry University will honor the eligibility of third party payments. Those would include but are not limited to; the Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan (or other state tuition plan), Department of Rehabilitative Services, Veteran Programs, and military tuition assistance. No service charges will remain on the account while waiting for these tuition payments; however, if bookstore charges or other fees are left unpaid, the monthly service charge will apply for balances past 30 days at 18% annual rate.
  4. The University will match a tuition charge to any payment by a third party for earned days of enrollment on or prior to the Official Enrollment Day.
  5. Returned checks are forwarded to Insta-Chek for collection. Any collection fee will be assessed by Insta-Chek and payment must be made to them. Any accounts or automatic bank drafts and credit card payments set up with TMS that result in insufficient funds will be subject to fees and assessed by TMS.
  6. A service charge of 1.5% will be assessed on the night of the 20th of each month on balances left unpaid after 30 days, if a TMS plan is not set up.
  7. A diploma will not be issued to a student until his financial obligations to the University have been satisfied.
  8. McMurry University will place a hold on future enrollment and refuse to issue a transcript of credits or letter of transfer for any student who has failed to meet his/her financial obligations to the University.
  9. The Texas Book Company bookstore is the supply store for students and is operated on a cash basis. Checks and major credit cards are also accepted.
  10. Each semester, it is the responsibility of the student to check with the office of Student Accounts to verify that scholarships, third party payments, or federal funds are credited to their account. All questions or problems pertaining to payment of accounts should be discussed with a representative of the Student Accounts Office. Any dispute on tuition charges must be resolved by the end of the semester in question. Any other dispute concerning semester charges must be resolved within 30 days from the date the charge was posted to the account. Be advised your account is available to view 24/7 through mcm.afford.com
  11. Checks should be made payable to McMurry University. We cannot accept post-dated checks. Personal checks will have the student ID number written on them by University staff if a student has not done so already. Personal checks up to $100 per day are allowed to be cashed with a student ID at the Student Accounts Office. No two-party checks may be cashed.
  12. No refund check will be issued for less than $10 unless requested.
  13. Full-time students will receive a Laptop PC. Should enrollment cease before graduation, a buyout option is available. During the time of enrollment, McMurry will supply the maintenance of hardware and software for the PC; however, a cost may apply if damage exceeds the cost of the unit. Please read your Mobile Computing Program Student License Agreement thoroughly for the terms and conditions. The PC and all its parts must be returned to the University when enrollment ceases before graduation. If not returned, the cost of the computer will be added to your account.
  14. Credit balances can occur from overpayment of financial aid. This credit is usually caused from loan funds intended for living expenses. These funds become available after the Official Enrollment Day and after they have hard posted to a student’s account unless a hold is placed on those funds for financial aid adjustment or student financial auditing. A student may request the credit balance at the Student Accounts Office in the form of a cashier’s check; however, there will be no advances given.
  15. The University will cease payments on accounts that have been paid in full. This includes but is not limited to cancelling a TMS plan for an account that has been paid in full.
  16. If a student leaves the University with a student account balance, the account will be subject to collection activity by a third party collection agency. At the time that the account is placed with a third party agency, a collection fee of up to 1/3rd of the balance will be assessed. Students leaving the University upon graduation, transferring, or withdrawing should check in with the Student Billing Office in their final semester to confirm that there are no unpaid charges and make arrangements to pay any remaining balance immediately.

Withdrawing From The University And Tuition Refunds:

No tuition refunds or credits will be made on dropped classes after the Official Enrollment day of each semester. Upon complete withdrawal from the University, refunds will be assessed using the following schedule. Fees are not refundable and there is no refund for May Term after the Official Enrollment day. Room cost is non-refundable upon withdrawal after the Official Enrollment day, but board costs will be prorated to the withdrawal date upon the receipt of the withdrawal form in Student Accounts.

Whereas professors are able to academically withdraw a student from class for non-attendance, a student should not expect a professor to take such action automatically. It is the student’s responsibility to process a withdrawal in order to receive tuition refunds (if applicable, see below) and to assure good standing with Title IV financial aid in the future.

Tuition refunds for those students who withdraw from the University will be granted according to the following schedule:


Fall Semester 2022 Aug 29 - Dec 16
100% refund of tuition August 29 - September 7
75% refund of tuition September 8 - 16
50% refund of tuition September 17 - 23
0% refund of tuition September 24


Subterm 1 Fall 2022 August 29 - October 21
100% refund August 29 - September 2
75% refund September 3 - 7
50% refund September 8 - 9
0% refund September 10


Subterm 2 Fall 2022 October 24 - December 16
100% refund October 24 - 28
75% refund October 29 - November 2
50% refund November 3 - 4
0% refund November 5


Spring Semester 2023 January 17 - May 12
100% refund of tuition January 17 - 26
75% refund of tuition January 27 - February 6
50% refund of tuition February 7 - 13
0% refund February 14


Subterm1 Spring 2023 January 17 - March 10
100% refund January 17 - 23
75% refund January 24 - 26
50% refund January 27- 30
0% refund January 31


Subterm2 Spring 2023 March 20 - May12
100% refund March 20 - 24
75% refund March 25 - 29
50% refund March 30 - March 31
0% refund April 1




Summer I 2023 May 15 - June 30 Summer II 2023 July 3 - Aug 18
100% refund May 15 - 19 100% refund July 3 - 10
50% refund May 20 - 24 50% refund July 11 - 13
0% refund May 25 0% refund July 14

Withdrawal Calculations Procedures/policy

A student who must withdraw completely from the University may encounter several financial refund calculations. The first thing considered is the University’s refund schedule. Further refunds will be dictated by the type of financial aid that the student has accepted, what has been received by the University and what the student may have received through cash draws from his/her account.

The University’s refund policy reflects a 100% tuition refund through the Official Enrollment day for each semester. No financial aid will be granted during that time. After the Official Enrollment day of each semester, a decreasing percentage of tuition is refundable per the schedule above. That amount is credited to the student’s account.

Texas Tuition Equalization Grant funds will be refunded upon withdrawal of the student at the same rate of the school’s tuition refund. Those funds will then be awarded to another eligible student.

If only a partial amount of tuition is refundable by the University’s policy or if a student withdraws after the last day to receive any tuition refund, the financial aid for that student is reviewed. Title IV Funds (involving Direct Loans, Perkins Loans, Parent Loans, Pell Grants, & SEOG Funds) that come from the government are subject to refund and repayment. The steps in this procedure include:

  1. Calculating the percentage of earned aid based on the number of days the student attended classes up to 60% of the semester.
  2. Applying that percentage against the aid received.
  3. Returning the amount of the unearned portions of aid back to the Title IV programs.
    1. This may increase the balance owed to the university but decrease what the student would owe later against a loan.
    2. If the student made cash draws from this aid, it may create a repayment due from the student to the Title IV program.

Example #1:

Total Cost 6000.00
  Tuition = 4000.00  
Title IV Aid 4000.00cr
Balance Owed by Student 2000.00
Withdrew 50% University Tuition Refund Policy 2000.00cr
Withdrew at 20% Title IV  
  Unearned Aid (80% refund to Title IV programs) 3200.00
Final Balance Student Owes University 3200.00

Example #2

Total Cost 6000.00
  Tuition = 4000.00  
Institutional Aid 1000.00cr
Title IV Aid 4000.00cr
Balance Owed by Student 1000.00
Withdrew 0% University Tuition Refund Policy 0.00
  Withdrew at 40% Title IV  
  Unearned Aid (60% refund to Title IV programs) 2400.00
Final Balance Student Owes University 3400.00

A student found to have received all ‘F,’ ‘WF,’ and ‘I,’ grades at the end of a semester is also subject to the Title IV calculation as described above. However, additional steps will be taken to support if the student actually stayed in attendance throughout the semester in at least one course and earned the grade, or if there is a date of last attendance at an academic activity. Professors will be contacted to establish this date; that date will then be the date of withdrawal used to do the Title IV calculations. This calculation tells the school if Title IV funds must be returned to the program as stated by the federal government. If a student earns even one passing grade in a subject, the calculation will not be necessary.

A student must begin any withdrawal with the Student Retention Office, located in the Registrar’s Office in the Maegden Building, complete the necessary signatures, and conclude at the Registrar’s Office.

Medical Withdrawal Policy

In some cases a student withdrawing from the University due to severe or catastrophic medical circumstances may be considered for a partial tuition refund. Sufficient and compelling documentation is required; such documentation depends on individual circumstances, but must include a letter from your health care provider (on their letterhead) that specifies the following:

  • The date of onset of illness
  • The dates you were under professional care
  • The general nature of your medical condition and why/how it prevented you from completing coursework
  • The last date you were able to attend class
  • The date you anticipate returning to school

Requests for consideration of refunds must be made within the term withdrawn. No tuition refund will be provided after the end of the withdrawn term.

Tuition Refund Insurance

Tuition Refund Insurance can be purchased to help refund your tuition, fees, and room/board charges, up to the policy limits, if you are unable to complete the semester due to a covered medical reason such as an illness, accident, or mental health issue. Visit www.GradGuard.com/brochure/mcm to review the complete refund policy and for more information about Tuition Refund Insurance.